
We are a reliable partner for selecting the most suitable workers in a fast-changing environment of utilities and telecommunications.

We also offer our experience in HR consulting in highly competitive fields such as energy and telecommunications. Increasingly, the connection and synergies of these two segments help us meet the expectations of both the clients and the candidates.

We will find a top manager or specialist for your company that will move the company development forward. Are you a candidate looking for a suitable job? We will identify a position in the company that will match your requirements, experience, and knowledge exactly while enriching your career with further experience.

We boast successful cooperation with international companies such as T-Mobile, O2, Innogy, E.On, but also with Czech companies like CEZ, Prazska plynarenska, Mero, Prazska services, ČD Telematika, NET4GAS, or ČEZ ICT.